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Uta Mueller was born in central Germany and landed on the East Coast of Canada in 2018. In the meantime she became Canadian citizen. Uta Mueller studied at the Universities of Goettingen and Heidelberg. She graduated with a Bacherlor’s and a Master’s Degree in German literature, linguistics and history as well as a Scientific Examination to qualify as High School Teacher. For more than 20 years Uta Mueller was a Project Manager and Editor in a German publishing group.




Michael Lutz was born in southern Germany and landed on the East Coast of Canada in 2018. In the meantime he became Canadian citizen. After a variety of internships as photographer and photo laboratory technician at Mercedes Benz AG, Press- and Information Office of the Government of Germany as well as Los Angeles Times, Michael Lutz studied photo-journalism in Darmstadt and journalism in Stuttgart. He graduated with a Bachelor’s and a Master’s Degree.

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